Lung Gun
Jarvis lung gun is a type of lung gun commonly used in the meat processing industry. It is a specialized pneumatic device that uses compressed air to extract the lungs from a slaughtered animal quickly and efficiently. The lung gun features a hollow probe that is inserted into the chest cavity of the animal, puncturing the lungs and allowing them to be removed with suction. The Jarvis lung gun is known for its reliability, ease of use, and efficiency, making it a popular choice for many meat processing facilities around the world.
The Jarvis Model LKE-1 -pneumatically controlled gun for highspeed vacuum removal of poultry lungs and kidneys.
• Ideally suited for removal of chicken, turkey,
duck, and geese lungs and kidneys.
• Operator fatigue is reduced by the unique air trigger system.
• Lightest lung gun available – only 1.5 lbs
(0.7 kg).
• Instantaneous vacuum – no delay.
• Easy to clean for optimum hygiene –
simply suck hot soapy water through with
the vacuum, and spray externally.
• Replaceable tubes and handles reduce
maintenance costs compared with single
piece construction guns.
• Meets national and international requirements
for safety and hygiene.