Pneumatic Stunner

Global Standards and Practices in Meat Processing

Meat processing is a critical industry worldwide, providing essential protein sources to billions of people. However, it is also an industry fraught with challenges, including ensuring food safety, maintaining animal welfare, and minimizing environmental impact. To address these challenges, global standards and practices have been established to guide the meat processing industry. These standards not […]
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Skinning knives

Small slaughterhouse equipment

Enhancing Efficiency and Quality In the realm of meat processing and slaughtering, efficiency and quality are paramount. For small-scale operations, investing in the right equipment can make a substantial difference in productivity and the overall output. At Jarvis Products Kenya, we understand the significance of equipping small slaughterhouses with the appropriate tools to streamline processes […]
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Pneumatic Stunner

The Role of Technology in Jarvis Products Kenya’s Meat Processing Solutions

In the realm of meat processing, efficiency isn’t just a desirable trait; it’s the backbone of success. Every step in the process, from slaughter to packaging, demands precision and speed to meet the demands of a competitive market. At Jarvis Products Kenya, we understand the critical role that technology plays in achieving and surpassing efficiency […]
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Pig Dehairing machine

From Farm to Fork:

IntroductionIn the intricate web that is the meat processing industry, every step counts. From the moment livestock are raised on the farm to the final product on your plate, a series of processes ensure quality, safety, and efficiency. At Jarvis Products Kenya, we take immense pride in our role as a leading supplier and manufacturer […]
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knives sterilizers

A Guide to Hygienically Clean and Sterilize Slaughtering Equipment:

Best Practices for Jarvis Products Kenya. Introduction: Ensuring the cleanliness and sterilization of slaughtering equipment is paramount in the meat processing industry. At Jarvis Products Kenya, we understand the importance of maintaining high hygiene standards to produce safe and quality meat products. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the best practices for hygienically cleaning […]
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